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Boating in a Storm: What You Should Do if Caught in Severe Storm Conditions
Boating in a Storm: What You Should Do if Caught in Severe Storm Conditions

Boating in a Storm: What You Should Do if Caught in Severe Storm Conditions

Boating in a storm is extremely risky. Some storms, such as hurricanes, allow plenty of time to prepare. Others are not so predictable. Large waves can send passengers overboard, and any storm that produces thunder can result in lightning. Boating in these conditions can easily lead to trouble. In fact, the odds of your power boat being struck by lightning are about 1 in 600, and according to the US Coast Guard, bad weather is responsible for hundreds of boating accidents each year.

Haze can obscure storm clouds, making them practically invisible until you’re close and requiring you to act fast to get to safety. With these boating safety tips, you’ll be prepared for the worst.

Preparedness Is Key

Before you’d find yourself in poor weather, it’s a good idea to carry some essential safety gear and familiarize yourself with weather warnings.

Recommended Equipment for Boating in a Storm

Having some gear on board regardless of the weather forecast means that you’ll have less to think about when prepping for future trips, and you’ll be prepared for non-weather-related emergencies. Win-win.

In addition to your legally required life jackets, there are 3 storm safety essentials: harnesses, a first aid kit, and a VHF radio.

First Aid: Marine first aids kits are a bit different from your standard at-home kits in that they usually come in a waterproof carrier and may have supplies for more serious wounds. Some will include additional gear such as flares and whistles, which could prove necessary if you’re caught in a storm and need help.

Harnesses: Keep these at the ready to secure yourself and passengers. Some life jackets come with them attached, but not all. Harnesses will keep everyone securely on board in the face of large waves.

VHF Radio:Do I need a VHF Radio on my boat?” It’s a common question in a world of cellphones. To keep it short and sweet, yes. Despite how impressive smartphone tech has gotten, VHF radios beat them with 3 key characteristics: they’re waterproof, have a longer battery life, and can operate without a network. But, that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice smart technology– Smart VHF marine radios have hit the market, with advanced capabilities and a user-friendly design.

Additionally, consider investing in a lightning grounding protection system if your boat doesn’t have one. Most smaller boats are made of fiberglass or wood and don’t give lightning a ground, meaning that when lightning strikes, there isn’t a clear path to the surface of the water for the electricity to travel. It therefore “jumps” around the boat, destroying essential (and expensive) electronics, rendering engines unusable, putting holes in the hull, and occasionally causing injury or death.

Grounding systems installed during a boat's initial construction– rather than those added later— are typically more effective in safely guiding the lightning to the water. Still, the addition of a grounding system will only help. You can read about the details of this process on the National Ag Safety Database.

The National Weather Service map can help you avoid storms

Check the Weather

We’ll admit this may be an obvious one, but it’s important. Checking the marine weather forecast before heading out is the best way to avoid inclement or downright dangerous weather. For information about major weather events, doppler radars, and general warnings for your region, the National Weather Service offers a reference. There are 6 terms you should look out for:

Small Craft Advisory: This indicates a forecast for winds of 18 to 33 knots. Generally, this warning indicates poor conditions for boaters with smaller vessels.

Gale Warning: This indicates a forecast for winds off 34 to 47 knots.

Storm Warning: This indicates a forecast for winds of 48 knots or more.

Tropical Storm Warning: If winds are predicted to reach 34 to 64 knots due to a tropical storm, this warning will be issued.

Hurricane Warning: Similar to the tropical storm warning, a hurricane warning is observed if winds are predicted to reach 64 knots or more due to a hurricane.

Special Marine Warning: This type of warning is issued if a short-term storm with winds over

Once you’re on the water, NOAA broadcasts are your best bet. Their continuous broadcasts include information about the wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, wave conditions, barometric pressure, and more. The broadcasts are local and generally will reach 20 to 40 miles.

NOAA broadcasts operate on three frequencies: 162.400 MHz, 162.475 MHz, and 162.550 MHz. Keep the radio set to one of these channels for updates.

What Should I Do if Caught in Severe Storm Conditions?

Maybe the forecast has changed dramatically since you last checked, or you’ve encountered a small, localized storm that wasn’t reported. Now, you see the ominous clouds in the distance. And it happens: you are caught in a severe storm in your boat. What should you do?

Get Prepared

When you see the storm approaching, follow these steps to safety:

  • Ensure that everybody aboard is wearing their life jacket and harness.
  • Stow away or secure all loose equipment. When the water gets choppy, equipment may slide around. Moving or falling objects can cause damage or injure passengers.
  • Make sure all latches are shut. This prevents water from reaching unwanted places.
  • Determine your location and your safest route back to land.
  • Head towards safety, ensuring that you’re moving at a 45-degree angle relative to the waves. This keeps the propeller below water and allows for a less rough ride. You may also need to take it slow.

Look Out for Lightning

Boating in a storm becomes far more dangerous when lightning is involved. As the storm approaches, look for signs that an electrical storm is brewing. Clouds with sharp edges are more likely to produce lightning, as are especially dark clouds.

A recreational vessel boating in a storm

Consider these warnings and immediately head towards safety if you see this type of storm brewing, bearing in mind that the anvil-shaped clouds point in the direction they’re headed.

Where Should You Seat Your Passengers?

The best place to seat your passengers during a thunderstorm depends on the type of boat you’re in. Lightning, as we all know, seeks the highest point. If you have a covered space or enclosed cabin, this is going to be the safest place to stay.

However, open boats don’t have this option. They can be especially dangerous in electrical storms because you are the highest point. In this case, remove metal jewelry and have passengers get as low as possible. It’s especially important to avoid boating in a storm is these cases– head to the shore if you are in an open boat.

When the Storm Hits

You may find that you’ve taken precautions to avoid boating in a storm, yet still you are caught in severe weather. If you haven’t quite beat out the storm, here’s what to do:

  • Disconnect power cords to protect your radio and other electrical equipment from lightning. VHF radios should not be used during a storm unless it’s an emergency.
  • Stay away from metal and all parts of the boat that aren’t grounded. This includes railing and metal steering wheels– many boaters with metal wheels will carry rubber gloves on board for this very situation. Alternatively, you may steer with a wooden spoon or another non-conductive object.
  • If possible, keep heading towards the shore. Keep in mind that lightning may strike miles ahead of a storm, or after it has seemingly passed. It’s best not to wait until those dark clouds are close.

Docking Your Boat in a Storm

Once you’ve made it ashore, you may feel that you’re in the clear. There are still a few measures you can take to protect your boat, however.

  • Double your dock lines to strengthen them. If your boat is docked in rough waters, they’ll be taking extra stress. Doubling them up prevents them from snapping.
  • Leave your electronics unplugged. Although it’s far less likely that lightning is a threat once you’ve reached shore, the risk of power surges is still not zero.
  • Keep off canvas covers and tarps. Wind will catch in coverings and cause more tension for your vessel. Use painters’ tape to cover electronics individually with plastic bags, instead.

We hope that this guide has helped prepare you for any storms you may encounter. carries all the safety essentials you may need, from VHF Radios to First Aid Kits.

Stay Safe!


I enjoyed your boating storm advice. I’m writing a novel, and the final scene involves rescueing a kidnapped girl out in the gulf. A storm endangers everybody. You have great info. I took a lot of notes. I’ve been in a nasty storm while sailing on a lake, but never on the ocean. Thanks for your advice.

Larry Waits,

[…] Be alert to changing conditions on the water and aware of weather that can change quickly. The danger of boating in a storm is no joke! […]

US Coast Guard Requirements: Boat Safety Equipment - PartsVu Xchange,

Great tips! As a boating aficionado myself, preparations like these always come in handy when caught in dangerous situations like storms. If I may add, probably before or after every sail, it would also be ideal to make it a habit to make sure that our boats are in good condition (as a precaution). This will give us better chances of riding out a storm. Just a thought. :)

Curtis Evans,

What is a “Harness”? What are your hours? Can I buy in your store?

Edmund M Shebert,

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