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Toadfish Outfitters - Protecting What We Love
Toadfish Outfitters - Protecting What We Love

Toadfish Outfitters - Protecting What We Love

Toadfish Outfitters is helping to protect what we love. See, here at PartsVu, we have a passion for the water. Boating, fishing, water skiing, sailing, racing, hydrofoiling -- you name the watersport and nearly guaranteed that there is someone here at PartsVu who is really into it. Since you are reading this article, there is a good chance that you share this passion. For the last several years, we have become increasingly concerned. Located in Naples, Florida and as a member of the marine industry, we
For every Toadfish Outfitters product sold, they fund the replanting of 10 feet of oyster beds.
have a birds-eye view of the changing state of our waterways. The reality is, water quality is the number one reason for fish mortality and declining populations across hundreds of marine species. The number of people living on the coast has increased by 40% in the last 30 years and shows no signs of slowing down. With the population increase, the amount of toxic runoff from coastal cities and towns has increased 10-fold, placing an unprecedented amount of strain on coastal resources. With the concern about the health of our waterways at the forefront of our minds, we connected with Toadfish Outfitters and fell in love with their products and their mission. They have created a line of seafood kitchen accessories that are beautiful, very high quality, and support the mission so near and dear to us – protecting the health of our coastal waterways. For every Toadfish Outfitters product sold, they fund the replanting of 10 feet of oyster beds. Why oyster beds? Oysters are the filters of the sea. A single oyster filters up to 50 gallons of coastal water per day, removing the toxins from runoff and creating a habitat where hundreds of species like fish, crabs, and shrimp can thrive. Healthy oyster beds also help protect against storm surges which have become an increasing problem in so many coastal areas. We particularly enjoy their Coastal Kitchen Collection which includes:
  • Put 'Em Back™ Oyster Knife - A fresh look at ergonomics with a bent tip design and handles made from recycled plastic bottles. Opens oysters with ease.
  • Frogmore™ Shrimp Cleaner - First of its kind tool that peels, deveins, and butterflies shrimp in one smooth motion. A perfect shrimp every time.
  • Toadfish™ Crab Cutter - Flawlessly cuts crab shells instead of smashing them. Creates less mess and stunning presentations.
In addition to these unique and beautiful tools, they come in a beautiful box that is perfect for gifting. To learn more about the Coastal Kitchen Collection, click here.

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