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Why Your Outboard Motor is Not Running at Full Power
Why Your Outboard Motor is Not Running at Full Power

Why Your Outboard Motor is Not Running at Full Power

Are you frustrated with your outboard motor not running at full power, even when you give it all you have got? Well, you are not the only powerboat owner facing this issue, as it is a common problem that can happen due to various reasons.

This article offers valuable insights as to why your outboard motor may not be running at full power. The common culprits discussed below include:

  • A spun propeller
  • Boat propeller entangled with debris
  • Fuel line air leak
  • Corroded spark plug wiring

Additionally, apart from the question of your engine operation at full power, we discuss what might be causing acceleration hesitation. So, without further ado, let’s dig in.

What Causes an Outboard Motor to Lose Power?

A healthy boat propeller

Nothing is more annoying that your engine not performing at the top end of its performance range, even at full throttle. This predicament is the fastest way to ruin what could have been a perfect day—and, one of our guiding mantras at PartsVu is, “Because there are only so many boating days in the year.”

Here are some prominent reasons that may be causing your outboard motor to lose power and tips for addressing the problem. Ultimately, we want to help you to enjoy every day you have on the water.

Spun Prop

A spun prop is one of the most common reasons your powerboat may struggle to achieve appropriate speed at full throttle. This happens when the bond between your boat propeller and prop shaft is damaged. As a result of this damage, the rubber inserts start spinning independently.

Once a hub is spun, there generally remains enough friction to operate at low RPM—a “get home” mode of sorts. But, when you increase RPM, the engine revs with little or no acceleration because the prop begins to spin. A spun hub feels like a loss of power with excessive RPM.

If you think a spun prop is the reason your outboard motor is losing power, and your boat is unable to produce top speed, it is time you head to local marine mechanic for repair.

A quick safety warning here – even if your boat seems to be operating just fine, operating with a spun prop can risk damaging your propeller irreparably. In the worst-case scenario, you may find yourself stranded with a boat that will not function.

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Debris Entangling Your Propeller

Have you recently checked your boat’s propeller for debris? If you are experiencing issues with your boat reaching top speed, it may be worth a quick inspection. It is quite common for seaweed, rope, fishing lines, and other material to entangle the propeller blades.

This entanglement can restrict your blade’s normal movement. Cutting this debris away may allow your blades to spin freely hence solving the issue with the outboard motor struggling to run at full power.

Actually, you should check your propeller regularly—after every few outings if not after every outing. Keeping your propeller free of entanglements most definitely help to assure peak outboard engine performance and avoid engine damage.

Fuel Line Air Leak

Another possible reason your outboard motor is struggling to reach full speed is an air leak in your boat’s fuel line. In case this happens, there will be a constant fluctuation in the fuel supply pumped into your boat’s carburetors.

As a result, you will experience your outboard motor’s RPM fluctuating up and down. Therefore, no matter what the throttle setting your boat is on, the air leak issue in your fuel line will have a significant impact on your boat’s performance, ultimately restricting its speed.

Several reasons can cause air leaks in the boat’s fuel line. However, the natural wear and tear of the fuel line is one of the most common causes. A punctured line due to hitting a sharp object can also create a leak.

Rot and decay are other reasons why your fuel line may start leaking. Whatever the cause, the only way to fix your fuel line air leak is to replace the damaged line.

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Corroded Spark Plug Wiring

Corroded or fouled spark plug wires can also cause the outboard motor to sputter or lose power. Get rid of this problem, and you may find that your engine’s performance returns to normal.

Check each wire one at a time. Take one of the wires out, inspect it and put it back carefully before you remove the next one. The last thing you want is to unplug all the wires and then not know which one goes where.

If you do find a fouled spark plug, your best move is likely to replace it. Spark plugs are essential, but inexpensive. Regular replacement is an low-cost investment in high levels of outboard engine performance and long engine line.

However, you can try to clean a fouled spark plug by using a piece of cloth to remove most of the buildup. Other ways are to use sandpaper, knife, or something similar to scrape off any large chunks of gunk. However, do so with care as you do not want to damage the spark plug.

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Why Does Your Boat Hesitate When You Accelerate?

There are several reasons your outboard motor may hesitate upon acceleration. Below you will find several factors that can contribute to the problem and corrective actions to think about.

  • A closed or blocked air vent on the fuel tank. Ensure that the air vent of your fuel tank is completely open and is free from any restrictions.
  • Check the idle mixture screw to see if it is out of adjustment. Also, look for restricted carburetor jets. If you wish to fix the problem yourself, you can always refer to the carburetor adjustment section in your outboard motor’s service manual.
  • Dirty or restricted fuel filters. You must check all fuel filters and remove any restrictions and contamination. If you find it necessary, feel free to replace or clean the filters.
  • Check for malfunction in the thermal relief valve. In case you find that your thermal relief valve is jammed or closed, the outboard motor will continue to run, but will run rich on the idle setting. However, if the valve is actually stuck open, your engine will likely exhibit characteristics of a cold start.
  • Check your anti-siphon value and also inspect for low fuel pump pressure. For both issues, you must refer to the outboard motor’s service manual. This will help you run all inspection and testing procedures. If this is this is your issue, many boaters will need the help of a qualified marine engine mechanic.
  • Loose fuel line connections, pinched or blocked fuel lines. It would be best to inspect all of the fuel lines for any bad connections, damage to the line, and leakage issues. Replacing damaged fuel line is typically the best course as trying to repair damaged line typically leads to further problems within a short period.
  • Your fuel mixture is not in the ratio recommended by your outboard motor’s manufacturer.
  • Check your primer bulb—if damaged, replace it.

Closing Thoughts

We hope this article gave you some ideas as to why your outboard motor is not running at full power.

PartsVu’s mission is to help provide you with the knowledge, insights, parts, and products to help you to enjoy each and every day you are able to spend on the water. Visit to shop our offering of more than 200,000 boat parts, products, and accessories for a marine lifestyle.

This content was designed to serve as a general guide. Persons who are not familiar with marine engine repair and who have not been trained in the recommended servicing or installation procedures should have the work performed by an authorized marine mechanic. Improper installation or servicing of parts can result in engine or boat damage, personal injury to the installer, or harm to persons operating the product.


such a great article

marine services in UAE,

I have a 3 cy 2 cycle outboard. When I run engine in water I lose power at full throttle for awhile then it reves back up. I also notice when moter is idling the fuel line to top cylinder has no fuel in it when it’s running

Vincent A LaBarbara,

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