What Are Good Safety Precautions When Fueling Your Boat?
Refueling your boat can become a task that feels as routine and simple as fueling your car. However, a boat’s fuel system is quite different and requires extra care and consideration.
In fact, we have had several members of the PartsVu community ask, “What are good safety precautions when fueling your boat?”
Taking the recommended safety precautions when refueling can prevent harm to you, your loved ones, and the marine environment. Following this step-by-step guide will ensure that you are safe and can make the most out of your day on the water.
What should you do before fueling your boat?
1. Securely Dock Your Boat
If you’re new to boating, follow this helpful guide to docking with ease. Proper docking will help to keep the boat stable.
2. Have Passengers Disembarque
Asking all passengers to step off the boat will also help keep the vessel stable during fueling. Not doing so can result in accidental spills and release of harmful fumes.
3. Prevent Explosions
Ensure that you and others nearby refrain from smoking, striking a match, or any other activity involving flames. Extinguish all open flames such as the galley stove. Turn off anything that could cause a spark-- the engine, fans, and any other electrical equipment.
4. Check Your Equipment
Double check that your fuel lines, connections, and fuel vents are in good condition. Make sure that the air vents and valves to the gas tank are open.
5. Close All Openings
This includes windows, ports, doors, hatches, or any other openings that may allow fumes to enter the boat.
6. Keep Your Fire Extinguisher Close
Even when following all the necessary safety procedures, it’s a good idea to keep your fire extinguisher close by in case of an emergency.

What should you do while fueling your boat?
1. Fill Portable Tanks on the Dock
Keeping portable fuel tanks away from your vessel is an extra safeguard against spills and fumes coming into contact with electrical equipment on your boat. A good rule of thumb is to follow this rule for any tank under six gallons in size.
2. Prevent Spills and Fumes
Hold the nozzle firmly against the fill pipe opening to ground it against static buildup. Use an absorbent pad.
The majority of spills that occur when fueling are a result of an uncovered vent. If possible, hold an absorbent pad over the opening while pumping the fuel or attach a fuel vent collection device.
3. Don’t Fill Above 90%
This allows the gas to expand in the tank and prevents accidental discharge through the fuel vent.
What should you do after you’ve finished?
1. Keep the Gas Cap Tight
Tightly screw the gas cap back on immediately after fueling. This prevents spills while reducing the possibility of debris getting into the tank.
2. Allow Air to Circulate
Reopen the windows, doors, and other openings so that air can more efficiently circulate through the vessel.
3. Sniff Before You Go
Wait to turn your engine on until the scent of gasoline completely dissipates.
4. Use Your Blower
If you have an inboard gasoline engine, turn the blower on for a minimum of four minutes before starting the boat. This will allow any remaining gas fumes to more quickly dissipate.
5. Store Portable Tanks Carefully
If you’re using portable tanks, store these in a well-vented area away from the engine and any electrical equipment
Note that fueling during the day is far safer than fueling at night. Night fueling will require the use of additional lighting, which ideally should not be in use near gasoline. If it is an absolute emergency and you must refuel in the dark, be sure to use only electric lights, as these pose the least risk.
Should a spill occur, immediately take action. The first step, of course, is to stop the source of the spill. Next, use oil absorbent pads to clean any gas that has spilled onto hard surfaces. If it has entered the water, contact your marina to notify them of the spill. They may have additional information or agencies that you will need to call.
Please note that there are several laws in place to protect our ocean environment, and that appropriate action must be taken promptly. Is it illegal to leave an oil or fuel spill unreported, if said spill is large enough to leave a sheen on the water. To report a spill of this size, you must contact the US Coast Guard at 1-800-424-8802.
In addition, it is illegal to disperse a spill by adding additional chemicals to the water. This can cause more harm to the environment and marine life; it is better to prevent the spills from occurring in the first place, and report to necessary agencies when accidents happen.
How can you conserve boat fuel?
Good fuel economy will save you time and money in the long run. Follow these three steps to get the most out of your tank.
1. Be Aware of Your Engine’s Health
A great way to reduce your engine’s fuel consumption is to ensure that it’s in top condition. Be sure that your engine has adequate power to easily propel your boat. Keep your engine at its peak performance by using a proper oil mix for the motor and using the proper fuel filters. It’s also a good idea to understand how different types of fuel affect your engine’s performance.
Regularly perform an oil analysis to check up on your engine’s overall health.
2. Keep Up with Maintenance & Cleanliness
General upkeep of your boat can be beneficial to your engine’s performance. Keeping the hull clean will reduce friction in the water, and require less work from your motor. Using the correct propeller and ensuring that it is undamaged will likewise help your motor run smoothly.
3. Be Conscious of Overloading
Uneven distribution of weight and overloading can cause your engine to work harder than necessary, and therefore burn fuel less efficiently.
Download this handy guide to refresh your memory at the dock
Electrical problems and fuel are the top causes of boat motor fires. Faulty connections and ignition sources can lead to fires. Fuel, being flammable, poses a hazard. Keep the tank closed, avoid smoking near it, and store spare fuel in safe places.
If the fire is spreading rapidly, cannot be controlled, or poses a severe threat, evacuate the boat.
I found it helpful when you said that to prevent accidental discharge through the fuel vent, you must not fill your boat fuel tank above 90%. This is something that I will share with my father because he is planning to hire a professional that can have a new boat fuel tank installed on his boat next Friday. Your tips will surely help him keep his boat well-maintained to save money on repairs.