6 Boating Tidbits We Think You Will Enjoy
As I am sure you do, at PartsVu we love all things boating. Surfing the web and reading about our favorite pastime, we stumbled across these 6 boating tidbits we wanted to share with you. Enjoy and happy boating!
1. A Good Pun is Fun
There is nothing like kicking things off with a good (OK, maybe not so good) joke. We couldn't resist though - thanks Take Me Fishing. Follow Take Me Fishing at @take_me_fishing - you never know, there might be more where this came from.
2. 10 Ways Boat Trips Are Good For the Soul
We know boating is good for the soul, but thanks for reminding us Discover Boating!
3. Making a Fishing Rod from Bamboo Is Legitimately Impressive
Yes, we agree! Although the 150 steps required to make a fishing rod from bamboo is likely a bit too involved for a lot of you, we still thought this was really cool. Anything that starts with fire and ends with fishing, has to be good.
4. Boat Names Directory
Struggling to come up with a name for your new boat? The Boat Owners Association of the United States has created an A-Z boat names directory for inspiration. A One Anna a Tuna to Zydeco...plenty of ideas here if you are stumped.
5. Are VHF Radios Necessary?
You have a smartphone containing marvelous technology that does everything but make coffee. Since one of its more basic features is making phone calls, is there any reason for a boater to have a single function, very high frequency (VHF) radio as well? Yes! Read more
6. The Knot Bible

Featuring all the knots, hitches, bends, splices, whipping and decorative knotwork that you would find on a boat, this comprehensive bible of knots will help those who go to sea master every knot they will need. Learn more